Wednesday 18 July 2018

Coinbase is starting to look a lot like a traditional big tech company

The cryptocurrency exchange is growing up fast—and becoming more like the kind of company that cryptocurrency was supposed to circumvent.
Two big news items: Coinbase has announced that it's “exploring the addition” of five new crypto-tokens. Just as important, Bloomberg reported that Coinbase has the “green light” from US securities regulators to make three acquisitions that will pave the way for it to become one of the first licensed platforms for trading “tokenized” versions of traditional investments, like company shares.
A contentious backdrop: Landing on a big exchange like Coinbase boosts a crypto-token’s perceived value, so there is a lot of money is on the line. Complicating things is a lack of clarity from regulators regarding which coins are commodities, which are securities, and which may be something different altogether.
This looks familiar: Coinbase, which may be worth as much as $8 billion, has been in rapid expansion mode lately. Some have called it a budding “Google of crypto.” But isn’t that antithetical to the decentralized ideal to which many cryptocurrency enthusiasts adhere? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
—Mike Orcutt

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